
Showing posts from September, 2021


In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women. World Heart Day is celebrated annually on September 29, to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. Here are four easy things to do to keep your family’s hearts healthy: Improve eating habits one step at a time. You will more likely stick with it if you make small changes over time. Start by encouraging the family to eat a vegetable at each meal – add kale to morning smoothies, have carrots with your sandwich at lunch and prepare a salad with spinach and cherry tomatoes for dinner. The heart is a muscle and it needs exercise – get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day to keep it fit. Here are simple ways to get your heart going at home: Jump rope Dance to your favorite songs Walk your dog Jumping Jacks Yoga Manage stress with humor. Laughing not only helps reduce stress but increases the oxygen in your blood. It’s also been shown to be good for your heart. Don’...


With so many hardships and pressures going on this past year, getting rid of stress may seem impossible. But stress management isn’t about getting rid of stress but learning how you respond to the problem and deal with its symptoms. When you’re stressed, you may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, sad, or discouraged. When you’re experiencing all these emotions, writing about them can help you process your feelings, release some of the tension, and gain clarity to identify triggers and find solutions. Studies have shown that writing down our feelings can help organize our thoughts and reduce stress. The next time you’re feeling worried or overextended, open your journal, write down your feelings, release negative thoughts, and gain perspective. You don’t have to journal every day for it to work. A few times a week and even as needed can be beneficial. Children can also draw in their journals instead if they prefer or can’t write in sentences yet. Here are three different ways to journ...


Even though your baby might not be able to talk or read, taking the time to read to them has incredible benefits. Here are the three B’s of reading to your newborn: It’s a chance to BOND with your baby. Reading to your newborn is a great opportunity for one-on-one time. Your baby will get your full attention and the rhythm of your voice will be soothing and help your baby feel safe. It will BOOST their brain power. Research shows that the more words a baby is exposed to early on, they will have better listening skills and a larger vocabulary. Your child will also be more likely to start reading on their own at an earlier age and will be better prepared for school. Their language skills will also benefit from exposure to the sounds and rhythm of speech which is important for language development. It will BUILD their love of books and reading. If reading is a part of your regular family routine, your child will learn that reading is something to be enjoyed and not a chore or requir...

10 Signs Your Child is Being Bullied

Schools are back in session and if your child is going to a classroom in person, they are likely working to establish new social networks and reconnect with friends. With so many changes, your child may not tell you if they are having any issues in school. Here are ten common signs your child is being bulled: Damaged or lost clothing, toys, books, or other belongings with no explanation Unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches Doesn’t mention any friends, with whom he or she spends time Fear of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus, or taking part in organized activities with peers Finds or makes up excuses as to why they can’t go to school Lost interest in schoolwork leading to poor grades Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed when he or she comes home Frequent headaches, stomach aches or other physical ailments Trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams Loss of appetite It’s important to note that these may also be signs of stress or other...