Eye Exams: What You Need to Know
Eye exams are important at all ages and stages of life and at CPCMG, you can expect your child’s eyes to be checked at each well visit. Eye exams will uncover vision problems, detect potential eye diseases, and help your child enjoy life-long good vision. For babies Did you know that when babies are born, they can only see about a foot in front of their face? Their world is a blur of light and dark, but a baby will have an eye exam at their very first doctor’s appointment! You may notice your CPCMG provider shining a light in your baby’s eyes, which helps check the red reflex and the response of the pupils. If you’ve ever taken a “red eye” picture, you’ve seen the red reflex which reflects the back of the eyeball. The red reflex tells us that the eye is formed and working as it should. Another way to test a child’s vision is a cover test. The provider will cover one of your baby’s eyes and then quickly uncover it to make sure they’re still pointing the same direction. If not, there ...